4ward Focus is an independent support coordination service that is here to bridge the gap between NDIS Participants and other supports. Whether that be formal, informal or mainstream.

At 4ward Focus we aim to provide each individual with a tailor made experience that will ensure they connect with supports and services that cater to their needs.

We will be with you every step of the way!

At 4ward Focus you are in the drivers seat, and You have our undivided attention. Our independent support coordination service is unbiased and flexible, giving you more choice and control.
We are a service that not only wants to listen, but understand your needs and support you by using our holistic service delivery approach. Our aim is to help you get the most out of your NDIS plan, build your capacity and see you flourish! 

Focusing on Moving Forward in the Right Direction!

We understand that navigating the NDIS system and finding the right services can take up a lot of time and energy. At 4ward Focus we’re here to make the process quicker and more seamless for you. We want you focusing on the things that really matter!